Accreditation of Study Programmes

Higher Educational Institution Unit (faculty, school, institute, etc.) Study Cycle Degree Decision No. of Years Publishing Date
IPT + UL ESGT + FA UL Museums, Heritage and the Knowledge Society Master Accredited - Discontinued by HEI in July 2016 6 29-06-2011
IPS + UNL ESS + FCSH Language Development and Impairment in Children Master Accredited - Discontinued by HEI in July 2015 1 18-07-2014
CVP + UNL ESS CVP + FCM UNL Master in Cardiopneumology Master Accredited - discontinued by the Institution in August 2017 6 15-05-2012
IPBragança + IPVianaCastelo + UTAD ESSB + ESSVC + ESEnfVR Maternal and Obstetric Nursing Master Accredited - Discontinued by the institution in December 2021 6 05-06-2011
IPBragança + IPVianaCastelo + UTAD ESSB + ESSVC + ESEnfVR Maternal and Obstetric Nursing Master Accredited - Discontinued by the institution in December 2021 6 18-05-2017
Instituto Piaget - Cooperativa Para O Desenvolvimento Humano, Integral E Ecológico, Crl ESSJPNordeste + ESSJPAlgarve Continuing Care Master Accredited - Discontinued by HEI in December 2015 6 02-07-2010
Instituto Politécnico De Leiria ESSL + ESECSL Master of Intervention for Active Aging Master Accredited - discontinued by the Institution in July 2016 13-12-2011
IPSantarém + UAlgarve ESSSantarém + ESS UAlgarve Emergency and Critical Care Nursing Master Accredited - Discontinued by the institution in December 2021 6 17-02-2012
IPVC + IPBragança + IPCA + IPP ESSVC + ESTGVC + ESCATM + ESTG Bragança + ESSBragança + ESGCA + ESTSP + ISCAP Management Master Accredited 6 01-08-2013
IPV + IPVC + IPBragança + UTAD ESSViseu + ESEnfVC + ESSBragança + ESEnfVR Human Development and Health Master Accredited - Discontinued by HEI in June 2015 6 01-06-2011
Instituto Politécnico De Leiria ESTG + ESECS Education & ICT Applied to Mathematics Master Accredited - Discontinued by HEI in September 2014 13-12-2011
IPLeiria + UP ESTG + FMUP Healthcare Information Systems Management Master Accredited - discontinued by the Institution in January 2019 6 23-07-2012
IPVC + IPBragança + IPCA ESTGVC + ESTGBragança + ESGCA Accounting and Finance Master Accredited 6 01-08-2013
IPG + UBI ESTH IPG + FCSH UBI Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism Master Accredited - discontinued by the institution in November 2017 6 28-07-2011
Instituto Politécnico De Setúbal ESTS + ESS Biomedical Engineering Master Accredited - Discontinued on March 2018 6 04-08-2012
Instituto Politécnico De Coimbra ESTSC + ESTGOH Occupational Safety Engineering Licenciado Accredited - Discontinued on March 2018 6 18-06-2012
IPL + UALG ESTSL + ESSF Health Technology Assessment and Management Master Accredited 6 14-08-2012
IPTomar + IPPortalegre ESTT + ESTG IPP Urban Renewal Master Accredited - Discontinued on March 2018 6 29-06-2011
IPLeiria + IPGuarda ESTTM + ESTH Sustainable Tourism Management Master Accredited 6 11-10-2013
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade De Arquitectura Urban Studies in Mediterranean Regions Master Accredited - discontinued by the Institution in March 2017 6 09-06-2010