Resolution Degrees in association

Resolution no. 474/2023

Summary: Procedure for the accreditation of academic degrees in association promoted by European higher education institutions
Degrees in association

In accordance with sub paragraph a) of paragraph 3 , article 41, of Decree Law no. 74/2006, 24 March, in the wording established by Decree Law no. 27/2021, 16 Apri l , and taking into account the agreement signed, at the Yerevan Conference, by the Ministers of Education and Higher Education from the European Higher Education Area, the A3ES Management Board determines that:

1. Whenever possible, the European approach to quality assurance is adopted for study programmes organized in association by several European Higher Education Institutions,

2. The accreditation conditions of study programmes in association are those established in Decree Law No. 74/2006, 24 March, with subsequent amendments;

3. The requests for prior accreditation of these study programmes must be submitted within the normal submission deadlines for New Study Programmes (NCE), with the expectation that they may be offered in the subsequent academic year;

4. The deadline referred to in point 3 of this Deliberation may be adjusted, if non consistent with the calendar defined by the financing entity

5. The assessment procedure must correspond to the European approach to quality assurance, with this procedure being carried out by an Agency accredited by ENQA, registered at EQAR and with responsibilities in the process of ac creditation of study programmes or, alternatively, of intitutions;

6. In the event that the assessment of the study programmes is conducted by another Agency, A3ES will monitor the procedure through a collaboration protocol and verify the compliance of documentation submitted on the platform with legal provisions;

7. In the case referred to in point 6, the fee to be charged by A3ES from the Portuguese higher education institution will correspond to the amount foreseen for the “special regime of simplified assessment”, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Deliberation no. 925/2018, 3 July.

8. This Resolution comes into force the day following its publication.

17 April 2023 - The President of the Management Board, João Guerreiro

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