Artigos em revistas e capítulos de livro
2017Gomes, R. M., Lopes, J. T., Cerdeira, L., Vaz, H., Ganga, R., Silva, J. P., Silva, S., Peixoto, P., Machado, M. L., Brites, R., Patrocínio, T. & Cabrito, B. (2017). L'emigration portugaise qualifiée dans le contexte européen. Hommes & MigrationsNeiva Ganga,R., Silva,J.,Vaz,H.,Gomes,R.,Lopes,J.T.,Cerdeira,L.,Silva,S.,Cabrito,B.,Magalhães,D.,Machado-Taylor,M.L.,Peixoto,P.,Brites,R.&Patrocínio,T.(2017).From Portugal to Europe.A micro-level Sociol. of scientific migration in times of Eurozone crisisTavares, O. (2017). The role of students’ employability perceptions on Portuguese higher education choices. Journal of Education and WorkSá, C. and Tavares, O. (2017). How student choice consistency affects the success of applications in Portuguese higher education, Studies in Higher EducationTavares, O., Lança, V., & Amaral, A. (2017). Academic Inbreeding in Portugal: Does Insularity Play a Role? Higher Education PolicyCardoso, S., Rosa, M.J., Videira, P., and Amaral, A. (2017). Internal quality assurance systems: Tailor made or one size fits all’ implementation? Quality Assurance in EducationSin, C. (2017). Comparative analysis of Physics master degree curricula across national and institutional settings: manifestations of student-centred learning and implications for degree comparability. The Curriculum JournalSin, C., Tavares, O., Neave, G. (2017). Student mobility in Portugal: grappling with adversity, Journal of Studies in International EducationSin, C., Tavares, O., Amaral, A. (2017). Accepting employability as a purpose of higher education? Academics’ perceptions and practices, Studies in Higher EducationSin, C. & Amaral, A. (2017). Academics’ and employers’ perceptions about responsibilities for employability and their initiatives towards its development. Higher EducationTavares, O., Sin, C., Videira, P., & Amaral, A. (2017). Academics’ perceptions of the impact of internal quality assurance on teaching and learning, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher EducationSin, C., Tavares, O., Amaral, A. (2017). Taking stock of changes in quality assurance in Portuguese higher education between 2007 and 2015, Debats - Revista de cultura, poder i societadSin, C. Tavares, O., Amaral, A., (2017). The impact of programme accreditation on Portuguese higher education provision, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher EducationCardoso,S.,Rosa,MJ, Videira,P. (2017).Students’ participation in quality assurance: a partnership? In Dent, S., Lane, L. and Strike, S. (Eds.). Collaboration, Communities and Competition. International Perspectives from the Academy. Rotterdam: Sense Pubs.Machado,ML,Meira Soares,V,Brites,R,Ferreira,JB, Farhangmehr,M&Gouveia,O(2017)Academic Job satisfaction and motivation: Perspectives from a nation-wide study in Portugal.In Machado-Taylor,M;Soares,VM,Teichler,U(Eds.)Challenges and options.SPRINGERAmaral, A. (2017). Implications for the European Economic Integration after the Brexit. In Madalena, F. and Fratesi, H. (Eds.), Regional Upgrading in Southern Europe. Spatial Disparities and Human Capital, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, pp. 347-358.Cardoso,S,Rosa,MJ&Videira,P(2017)Students’participation in quality assurance:a partnership?In Dent,S,Lane,L&Strike,T(Eds.),Collaboration, communities and competition: Inter. Perspectives from the Academy(pp.125- 142).EAIR conference vol.Rotterdam,Sense PuFonseca, M. (2017). Southern Europe at a Glance: Regional Disparities and Human Capital. In M. Fonseca, & U. Fratesi (Eds), Regional Upgrading in Southern Europe. Spatial Disparities and Human Capital (pp. 19-54). Cham: SpringerFonseca, M. and Fratesi, U. (2017). Regional Upgrading in Southern Europe: A General Framework. In M. Fonseca, & U. Fratesi (Eds), Regional Upgrading in Southern Europe. Spatial Disparities and Human Capital (pp. 3-17). Cham: Springer.Peixoto,P,Machado Gomes,R,Teixeira Lopes,J,Vaz,H,Cerdeira,L,Brites,R,Cabrito,B,Ganga,R,Machado-Taylor,ML,Magalhães,D,Silva,S&Patrocínio,T(2017)MobiGrants.In C.Giousmpasoglou,E.Marinakou&V.Paliktzoglou(Eds.)Brain Drain in H. E.Hauppauge:Nova Science PubsCarvalho, T. & Machado-Taylor, M. L., (2017). The Exceptionalism of Women Rectors: A Case Study from Portugal. In White, O'Connor, Pat (Eds.), Gendered Success in Higher Education Global Perspectives. (pp. 111-131). Palgrave Macmillan.Teichler, U., Machado-Taylor, M. & Soares, V. M. (2017). What is the New Academic Profession? In M. L. Machado-Taylor, V. M. Soares & U. Teichler (Eds.), Challenges and options: the academic profession in Europe (pp. 253-267). Springer.Machado-Taylor,ML&Peterson,M, (2017). Academic Strategy in the Emerging University – A Transformational Perspective. In M. L. Machado-Taylor, V. M. Soares & U. Teichler (Eds.), Challenges and options: the academic profession in Europe (pp. 49- 66).SpringeMachado,ML,Meira Soares,V,Brites,R,Ferreira,JB,Farhangmehr,M&Gouveia,O(2017)Academic Job satisfaction and motivation.In ML Machado-Taylor, VM Soares & U Teichler (Eds.),Challenges and options: the academic profession in Europe (pp. 69-139)SpringerCardoso, Sónia, Tavares, Orlanda (2017). Students’ Drop Out of Higher Education. In Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9553-1_432-1
2016Cardoso, S., Rosa, M. & Magalhães, A. (2016). Graduates’ perceptions about labour market competences: Does the type of Institution and programme make a difference? Higher Education PolicyCerdeira L. Machado-Taylor M.L, Patrocinio T., Cabrito B. (2015). Exportar mão-de-obra qualificada a custo zero: quanto perde Portugal com a fuga de cérebros?. Revista Educação em QuestãoGanga,R.,Silva, J. P.,Gomes,R.,Vaz,H.,Lopes,J.T.,Silva,S.,Cerdeira,L.,Cabrito,B.,Magalhães,D.,de Lurdes Machado-Taylor,M.,Peixoto,P.,Patrocínio,T.and Brites,R.(2016).Portuguese Scientists’ Migration: a study on the 2008 crisis aftermath.Cerdeira, L.; Cabrito, B.; Machado-Taylor, M. L.; Patrocínio, T. (2016). Transferência de investimento na educação com base no custo livre: alguns dados de Portugal, Espanha, Grécia e Itália. Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em EducaçãoCerdeira,L.,Machado-Taylor,M.L.,Cabrito, B.,Patrocínio,T.,Brites,R.,Gomes,R.,Teixeira Lopes,J.,Vaz, H.,Peixoto,P.,Magalhães,D.,Silva,S.,&Ganga,R.(2016).Brain drain and the disenchantment of being a higher education student in Portugal. J. Higher Ed. Pol.Magalhães, A., Veiga, A., & Amaral, A. (2016). The changing role of external stakeholders: from imaginary friends to effective actors or non-interfering friends?. Studies in Higher EducationVeiga, A., Magalhães, A. & Amaral, A. (2016). Meta-Governance and the supply of degree programmes in the context of Bologna: lessons from the Portuguese case. Journal of European Higher Education AreaSin, C. Tavares, O., Amaral, A., (2016). Who is responsible for employability? Student perceptions and practices, Tertiary Education and ManagementSin, C. Tavares, O., Amaral, A., (2016). The impact of programme accreditation on Portuguese higher education provision, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher EducationSin, C., Tavares, O., & Amaral, A. (2016). Student perceptions of the employability of the first degree in Portugal. Education+ TrainingTavares, O., Sin, C., Amaral, A. (2016). Internal quality assurance systems in Portugal: what their strengths and weaknesses reveal. Assessment & Evaluation In Higher Education Teixeira,P.& Amaral,A.(2016)Private and For-Profit Higher Education in Europe:Current Patterns and Regulatory Challenges.In Hazelkorn,E.,Coates,H.and McCormick(Eds.)Research Handbook on Quality, Performance and Accountability in H.E.,London,Bloomsbury PuAmaral, A. and Teixeira, P. (2016) An economic view of higher education theory. In Barnett, R., Temple, P. and Scott, P. (Eds.). Valuing Higher Education: An appreciation of the Work of Gareth Williams, London, UCL IOE Press.Machado-Taylor,M.L.,Gomes,R.,Teixeira Lopes,J.,Cerdeira,L.,&Vaz,H.(2016).A gender approach in brain drain.In Grassi,M.&Ferreira,T.(Eds)Places and belongings.Cambridge Scholars Publishing.Magalhães,A.&Veiga,A.(2016).“European Integration in Higher Education and Research:Challenging Comparative Education”,in Cloete,N.,Goedegebuure, Gornitzka,A,Jungblut,J.,Stensaker,B.(Eds.),Pathways Through Higher Education Research–A Festschrift in Honour Sarrico,C.,Teixeira,P.,Magalhães,A.,Veiga,A.,Rosa,M.J.,&Carvalho,T.(2016). “Introduction”,in Sarrico, Challenges,National Initiatives,and Inst.Responses the Transformation of H.E.Roterdão:Sense Publishers,pp.3-14.Rosa,M.J.,Sarrico,C.&Tavares,O.,(2016),“Conclusions”.In Rosa,M.J.,Sarrico,C.,Tavares,O.,Amaral, A. (Eds.),Cross-Border Higher Education and Quality Assurance. Commerce,the Services Directive and Governing Higher Education, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.Salmi,J.,Tavares,O.(2016),“The Business of Cross-Border Higher Education”.In Rosa,M.J.,Sarrico,C.,Tavares,O.,Amaral,A.(Eds.),Cross-Border Higher Education and Quality Assurance.Commerce,the Services Directive and Governing H.E.,New York: Palgrave MacmillaAmaral,A.(2016).H.E. as Commerce:Cross-Border Education, a new Business?.In Rosa,M.J.,Sarrico,C.,Tavares,O.,Amaral,A.(Eds.),Cross-Border Higher Education and Quality Assurance.Commerce,the Services Directive and Governing H.E.,New York: Palgrave Macmillan
2015Veiga, A., & Neave, G. (2015). Managing the dynamics of the Bologna reforms. How institutional actors re-construct the policyAmaral, A., Tavares, O., Cardoso, S. Sin, C. (2015). Shifting Institutional Boundaries Through Cross Border Higher Education. Journal of Studies in International EducationTavares, O. Cardoso, S., Carvalho, T., Sousa, S., Santiago, R. (2015) Academic inbreeding in Portuguese Academia. Higher EducationLopes, J.T., Ganga, R., Gomes, R., Vaz, H., Cerdeira, L., Cabrito, B., Magalhães, D., Machado-Taylor, M.L., Peixoto, P., Brites, R., Silva S., & Patrocínio, T. (2015). Socialização e percursos (e)migratórios em Portugal: Uma análit_Artigo A3ES PDF.pdfPereira, C., Araujo, J.F., & Machado-Taylor, M.L. (2015). Acreditação do ensino superior na Europa e Brasil: mecanismos de garantia da qualidade. Revista de Políticas PúblicasCabrito, B., Cerdeira, L., Machado-Taylor, M.L., & Patrocínio, T. (2015). Brain drain and dependency: The Portuguese case. Indian Journal of ResearchCerdeira, L., Cabrito, B., Machado-Taylor, M.L., & Gomes, R. (2015). A fuga de cérebros em Portugal: Hipóteses explicativas, (2015). Revista Brasileira de Política e Administração da EducaçãoGomes, V.; Machado-Taylor, M.L., Saraiva, E; Santos, C.M. (2015) A Estratégia como prática nas Instituições de Ensino Superior. Evidência, AraxáCardoso, S., Rosa, M.J. and Stensaker, B. (2015). Why quality in Higher Education Institutions is not achieved? The view of academics, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher EducationTeixeira, P., Cardoso, S., Rosa, M. & Magalhães, A. (2015). Graduates’ perceptions about labour market competences: Does the type of Institution and programme make a difference? Higher Education PolicyVeiga, A., Magalhães, A., Amaral, A. (2015). Differentiated integration and the Bologna process. Journal of Contemporary European ResearchSantiago, R., Carvalho, T. and Cardoso, S. (2015). Portuguese academics perceptions on HEIs governance and management: A generational perspective. Studies in Higher Education, Special Issue: Generational Change and Academic WorkCardoso, S., Tavares, O., Sin, C. (2015). The quality of teaching staff: higher education institutions' compliance with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance - the case of Portugal Educational Assessment Evaluation and AccountabilityCerdeira, L., Machado-Taylor, M.L., Cabrito, B.; Patrocínio, T., (2015). The Impact of Cost-Sharing on Accessibility and Equity in Portuguese Higher Education – Recent Trends. Journal of the European Higher Education AreaGregory, D.; Machado-Taylor, M. L. (2015) Perspectives on Higher Education Accreditation from Portugal and the United States: An Evolving Process in International. Journal Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in EducationO’Connor, P., Carvalho, T., Vabø, A. & Cardoso, S. (2015). Gender in Higher Education: a critical review. In Jeroen Huisman, Harry de Boer, David Dill & Manuel Souto-Otero (Eds.), Handbook of Higher Education Policy and GovernanceDiogo, S., Carvalho, T. and Amaral, A. (2015). Institutionalism and Organizational Change. In Huisman, J., de Boer, H., Dill, D. And Souto-Otero, M. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance. London: Palgrave, pp. 114-131.Veiga,A.,Magalhães,A.,Amaral, A.(2015).“From collegial governance to boardism: reconfiguring governance in higher education”,in Huisman,J.,de Boer,H.,Dill,D. e Souto-Otero,M.(Orgs.),The Palgrave Inter. Handbook of H.E. Policy and Governance. London,398-41Magalhães, A., Veiga, A. (2015). “The narrative approach in higher education research”, in Tight, M. e Huisman, J. (orgs.), Theory and Method in Higher Education Research, Volume 1. London: Emerald, pp. 311-331.Santiago,R.;Carvalho,T.;Sousa,S.;Dias,D.and Machado Taylor.Academics professional characteristics and trajectories.In J.F.Galaz-Fontes et al.(eds.),Biographies and Careers throughout Academic Life,The Changing Academy, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-27493-5_10O’Connor,P.,Carvalho,T.,Vabø,A.&Cardoso,S.(2015).Gender in H.E.:A critical review. In Jeroen Huisman,Harry de Boer,D. Dill&M. Souto-Otero(Eds.),The Palgrave International Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance(Chapter 30).Palgrave Macmillan.
2014Amélia Veiga et al. European Universities as Complete Organizations? Understanding Identity, Hierarchy and Rationality in Public Organizations, Public Management ReviewVeiga, A., Rosa, M. J., Cardoso, S., Amaral, A. (2014). Ascribing meaning to quality cultures in the Portuguese context. Quality Assurance in EducationTavares, O., Cardoso, S., Carvalho, T., Branco Sousa, S., Santiago, R. (2014). Academic inbreeding in the Portuguese academia, published online on 15 October 2014, Higher EducationDias, D., Cardoso, S., Rosa, MJ & Amaral, A. (2014). The EUA institutional evaluation programme and the development of an internal quality culture, Journal of the European Higher Education AreaMachado-Taylor, M. L.; Meira Soares, V.; Brites, R.; Brites Ferreira, J.; Farhangmerh; M.; Gouveia, O.; Peterson, M. (2014). Academic job satisfaction and motivation: Findings from a nationwide study in Portuguese higher education. Studies of H.EducationMachado-Taylor M. L., White K., Gouveia O. M. R. (2014). Job satisfaction of academics: Does gender matter? Higher Education PolicyFonseca, M.; Tavares, D.; Sá, C.; Amaral, A. (2014) Waves of (Dis)Satisfaction: Effects of the Numerus Clausus system in Portugal. European Journal of EducationMagalhães, A., Veiga, A. (2014). Governance and Management Dilemmas Arising from Substructuring in Higher Education, Leadership and Governance. Higher Education Handbook for Decision-makers and AdministratorsVeiga, A. (2014). Researching the Bologna Process through the Lens of the Policy Cycle. In A. Teodoro & M. Guilherme (Eds.), European and Latin American Higher Education Between MirrorsVeiga, A., & Sarrico, C. (2014). Changes in Governance: Do they help overcome the barriers to the implementation of the European standards and guidelines for quality assurance in higher education? In H. Eggins (Ed.), Drivers and Barriers to Achieving[...]Carvalho, T., Cardoso, S. & Sousa, S. (2014). Changes in the institutional context and academic profession - a case from Portugal, in Prpić, K., van der Weijden, I.; & Asheulova, N. (Eds.), (Re)Searching scientific careersTavares, O., Cardoso, S. & Sin, C. (2014). Mapping Portuguese institutional policies on access against the European standards and guidelines. In Jelena Branković, Manja Klemenčić, Predrag Lažetić and Pavel Zgaga (Eds.), Global Challenges, Local [...]Dias, D., Cardoso, S., Rosa, MJ, & Amaral, A. (2014). Impact areas of IEP Evaluations. In: A twenty-year contribution to institutional change: EUA’s Institutional Evaluation ProgrammeRosa, M.J. & Amaral, A. (2014). Introduction, in Rosa, M.J. and Amaral, A. (Eds.) Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Contemporary DebatesAmaral, A. (2014). Where are quality frontiers moving to?, in Rosa, M.J. and Amaral, A. (Eds.) Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Contemporary DebatesDias, D. & Amaral, A. (2014). Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO): An OECD Feasibility Studty” in Rosa, M.J. and Amaral, A. (Eds.) Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Contemporary DebatesAmaral, A. & Rosa, M.J. (2014). The Swiftly Moving Frontiers of Quality Assurance, in Rosa, M.J. and Amaral, A. (Eds.) Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Contemporary DebatesRosa, M.J. and Amaral, A. (2014). The Portuguese Case: New Public Management Reforms and the European Standards and Guidelines, in Esther Higgins (ed.) Drivers and Barriers to Achieving Quality in Higher EducationBrusoni, M., Damian, R., Grifoll, J., Jackson, S., Komurcugil, H., Malmedy M., Mataeva, O., Motova, G., Pisarz, S., Pol, P., Rostlund, A., Soboleva, E., Tavares, O., Zobel, L. (2014). The Concept of Excellence in Higher Education, Brussels: ENQASantiago, R., Sousa, S., Carvalho, T., Machado-Taylor, M.L:, Dias, D. (2014). Teaching and Research: Perspectives from Portugal, in Shin, J. C., Arimoto, A., Cummings, W. K., & Teichler, U. (Eds.), Teaching and Research in Contemporary Higher EducationFonseca, M.; Encarnação, S. and Justino, E. (2014). Shrinking Higher Education Systems: Portugal, Figures and Policies, in Goastellec, G.; Picard, F. (Eds.), Higher Education in Societies. A Multi Scale Perspective
2013Governance And Institutional Autonomy: Governing And Governance In Portuguee Higher Education Magalhães, António, Veiga, Amélia, Ribeiro, Filipa and Amaral, Alberto.pdfHigher Education Reform In Portugal: A Historical And Comparative Perspective Of The New Legal Framework For Public Universities, Amaral, Alberto, Tavares, Orlanda and Santos, Cristina.pdfGovernance Of Governance In Higher Education: Practices And Lessons Drawn From The Portuguese Case, Magalhães, António, Veiga, Amélia, Amaral, Alberto, Sousa, Sofia and Ribeiro, Filipa.pdfThe Long Road – How Evolving Institutional Governance Mechanisms Are Changing The Face Of Quality In Portugese Higher Education, Sarrico, Cláudia, Veiga, Amélia and Amaral, Alberto.pdfWaves Of (Dis)Satisfaction: Effects Of The Numerus Clausus System In Portugal, Fonseca, Madalena, Dias, Diana, Sá, Carla and Amaral, Alberto.pdfThe EUA Institutional Evaluation Programme And The Development Of An Internal Quality Culture, Dias, Diana; Cardoso, Sónia; Rosa, Maria João and Amaral, Alberto.pdfThe Difficult Life Of Prophets And Seers, Amaral, Alberto.pdfEnrolment Choices In Portuguese Higher Education: Do Students Behave As Consummers?, Tavares, Orlanda and Cardoso, Sónia.pdfRoutes Towards Portuguese Higher Education: Students’ Preferred Or Feasible Choices?, Tavares, Orlanda.pdfJob (In)Satisfaction Among Academics In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions, Machado, Maria; Meira Soares, Virgilio; Brites Ferreira, José; Brites, Rui, Farhangmehr, Minoo and Gouveia, Odília.pdfGender And Academic Careers In Portuguese And Turkish Higher Education Institutions, Machado-Taylor, Maria and Özkanli, Özlem.pdfTop University Managers And Affirmative Action, Carvalho, Teresa, White, Kate and Machado-Taylor, Maria.pdfThe Faculty Conjugated As Feminine: A Portrait Of Portuguese Academia, Dias, Diana, Sá, Maria José, and Machado-Taylor, Maria.pdfPortuguese Higher Education Students’ Costs: Two Decades View, Cerdeira, Luísa, Patrocínio, Teresa, Cabrito, Belmiro, Machado, Maria and Brites, Rui.pdfAscribing Meanings To Quality Cultures In The Portuguese Context, Veiga, Amélia, Cardoso, Sónia, Rosa, Maria João and Amaral, Alberto.pdfDifferent Academics’ Characteristics, Different Perceptions On Quality Assessment?, Cardoso, Sónia; Rosa, Maria João and Santos, Cristina.pdfThe Bologna Process: Inception, ‘Take Up’ And Familiarity, Neave, Guy and Veiga, Amélia.pdfQuality, Management And Governance In Europen Higher Education Institutions, Sarrico, Cláudia; Veiga, Amélia and Amaral, Alberto.pdfCreating A Common Gramar For European Higher Education Governance, Magalhães, António; Veiga, Amélia; Ribeiro, Filipa; Sousa, Sofia and Santiago, Rui.pdfWhy Is It Difficult To Grasp The Impacts Of The Portuguese Quality Assurance System?, Veiga, Amélia; Rosa, Maria João; Dias, Diana and Amaral, Alberto.pdfA (In)Satisfação Dos Académicos No Ensino Superior, Brites Ferreira, José; Machado, Maria and Gouveia, Odília.pdfThe Portuguese Case: Can Institutions Move To Quality Enhancement?, Amaral, Alberto; Rosa, Maria João and Fonseca, Madalena.pdfHigher Education Research Between Policy And Practice, Amaral, Alerto and Magalhães, António.pdfThe Portuguese Case: New Public Management Reforms And The European Standards And Guidelines, Rosa, Maria João and Amaral, Alberto.pdfThe Portuguese Higher Education System, Amaral, Alberto and Veiga, Amélia.pdfWhat About Education In Higher Education?, Magalhães, António and Veiga, Amélia.pdfMapping Portuguese Institutional Policies On Access Against The European Standards And Guidelines, Tavares, Orlanda; Cardoso, Sónia and Sin, Cristina.pdfChanges In The Institutional Context And Academic Profession – A Case From Portugal, Carvalho, Teresa; Cardoso, Sónia and Sousa, Sofia.pdfReflections Of Women In Academia: Issues And Challenges Of A Non-Typical Academic Career In The Portuguese Higher Education, Machado-Taylor, Maria.pdfTeaching And Research: Perspectives From Portugal. Santiago, Rui; Sousa, Sofia; Carvalho, Teresa; Machado-Taylor, Maria and Amado, Diana.pdfHigher Education Cost-Sharing Policy: The Portuguese, Case Cerdeira, Luísa; Patrocínio, Teresa; Machado-Taylor, Maria and Brites, Rui.pdfContributos Para A Avaliação Institucional: O Estudo Da Satisfação Profissional Dos Académicos Do Ensino Superior, Machado-Taylor, Maria and Gouveia, Olívia.pdfProcessos De Internacionalização E O Ensino Superior Português, Amaral, Alberto; Magalhães, António, Veiga, Amélia and Rosa, Maria João.pdfIntrodução, Magalhães, António; Machado, Maria and Sá, Maria José.pdfSatisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior: Constructos Teóricos Taylor, Jim; Machado, Maria and Sá, Maria José.pdfSatisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior. Análise E Discussão Dos Resultados, Machado, Maria; Brites, Rui and Sá, Maria José.pdfA Gestão Política De Um Ensino Superior De Massas E Satisfação Dos Estudantes, Magalhães, António and Machado, Maria.pdfConclusões, Machado, Maria; Magalhães, António e Sá, Maria José.pdfEnsino Superior: Razões De Ingresso E Escolha Das Instituições, Brites, José and Tavares, Orlanda.pdf
2012Portuguese Higher Education Student's Costs: Two Last Decades View , Cerdeira, Luisa; Patrocínio, Tomás; Gil Cabrito, Belmiro; Machado, Lourdes; Brites, RuiChoices and Motivations: the why and how of Portuguese students' enrolment choices, Orlanda Tavares, José Brites FerreiraRoutes towards Portuguese higher education: students’ preferred or feasible choices? Orlanda TavaresEnrolment choices in Portuguese higher education: do students behave as rational consumers? Orlanda Tavares and Sónia CardosoHigher education reform in Portugal: an historical and comparative perspective of the new legal framework for public universities, Alberto Amaral, Orlanda Tavares and Cristina SantosBologna 2010. The Moment of Truth? Amélia VeigaThe Bologna Process: inception, ‘take up’ and familiarity, Guy Neave and Amelia VeigaCreating a common grammar for European higher education governance , António Magalhães, Amélia Veiga, Filipa M. Ribeiro, Sofia Sousa and Rui SantiagoGovernance and Institutional Autonomy: Governing and Governance in Portuguese Higher Education António Magalhães, Amélia Veiga, Filipa Ribeiro and Alberto AmaralHow is European governance configuring the EHEA? António Magalhães, Amélia Veiga, Sofia Sousa & Filipa RibeiroProgrammes Outside Bologna Models: Integrated Masters in the Portuguese context, Amélia Veiga, Cristina Sin and Alberto AmaralAcademics’ perceptions on the purposes of quality assessment, Maria J. Rosa, Cláudia S. Sarrico & Alberto AmaralDifferent academics' characteristics, different perceptions on quality assessment? Sónia Cardoso, Maria João Rosa and Cristina SantosThe social representations of students on the assessment of universities’ quality: the influence of market and managerialism-driven discourse, Sónia Cardoso, Rui Santiago e Cláudia SarricoThe impact of quality assessment in universities: Portuguese students' perceptions, Sónia Cardoso, Rui Santiago & Cláudia S. SarricoImplementing Quality Management Systems in Higher Education Institutions, Maria João Rosa, Cláudia Sarrico and Alberto AmaralPortugal: higher education and lifelong education in Portugal, Alberto Amaral and Madalena FonsecaIs there a bridge between quality and quality assurance? Maria João Rosa e Alberto AmaralHigher education reforms in Europe: a comparative perspective of new legal frameworks in Europe, Alberto Amaral, Orlanda Tavares e Cristina SantosStudents perceptions of quality – is there an option besides treating them as consumers? Sónia CardosoThe Portuguese Higher Education System, Alberto Amaral e Amélia Veiga
2011Students in Higher Education Governance: The Portuguese case, Sónia Cardoso and Sérgio Machado dos Santos.pdfRegaining Trust. Is it possible? Alberto Amaral, Orlanda Tavares and Sónia Cardoso.pdfHigher education (related) choices in Portugal: joint decisions on institution type and leaving home, Carla Sá, Diana Amado Tavares, Elsa Justino and Alberto Amaral.pdfNew Public Management, Markets and Trust: Can institutions move to Quality Enhancement? Alberto Amaral.pdfUnderstanding the impacts of quality assessment: an exploratory use of cultural theory, Amélia Veiga, Sónia Cardoso, Maria João Rosa and Alberto Amaral.pdfThe EUA Institutional Evaluation Programme: an account of institutional best practices, Maria João Rosa, Sónia Cardoso, Diana Dias and Alberto Amaral.pdfUma interpretação do olhar da História sobre Bolonha, Amélia Veiga e Alberto Amaral.pdfThe Democratization of Access and Success in Higher Education: A reflection on the realities of Portugal and Brazil, Diana Amado‐Tavares, Claisy Marinho‐Araújo, Leandro Almeida and Alberto Amaral.pdfIncreasing Role of Market Forces in HE: is the EUA Institutional Evaluation Programme playing a role? Sónia Cardoso, Maria J. Rosa, Diana A. Tavares and Alberto Amaral.pdfERA and the Bologna process: implementation problems and the human resource factor, Alberto Amaral.pdfWhat factors of satisfaction and motivation are affecting the development of the academic career in Portuguese higher education, Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor, V. Meira Soares, Brites Ferreira e Odília Gouveia.pdfStudent Satisfaction with Higher Education: Critical data for Student Development, Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor, Brites Ferreira, António Magalhães e Maria José Sá.pdfFrom Students to Consumers: reflections on marketization of Portuguese higher education, Sónia Cardoso, Teresa Carvalho e Rui Santiago.pdfOn Exceptionalism: The Nation, a Generation and Higher Education, Portugal 1974-2009, Guy Neave and Alberto Amaral.pdfThe Impacts of Bologna and of the Lisbon Agenda, Amélia Veiga and Alberto Amaral.pdfThe Rise of the Administrative State in Portuguese Higher Educatin, Maria de Lourdes Machado and Luisa Cerdeira.pdfThe Student Estate, Madalena Fonseca.pdf
2010Ensino e a Investigação na Região Norte de Portugal, Alberto Amaral.pdfThe European Higher Education Area: Various Perspectives on the Complexities of a Multi-Level Governance system, Alberto Amaral and Amélia Veiga.pdfAssessing Quality and Evaluating Performance in Higher Education: Worlds Apart or Complementary Views?, Cláudia S. Sarrico, Maria J. Rosa, Pedro N. Teixeira and Margarida F. Cardoso.pdfA caminho de ums escola com mais qualidade: Auto‐avaliação de uma escola básica aplicando a CAF, Joaquim M. Monteiro and Cláudia Sarrico.pdfTrans-National Accountability Initiatives: The Case of the EUA Audits, Alberto Amaral and Maria João Rosa.pdfInequality in Higher Education: Definitions, Measurements, Inferences: The Serbian Case, Martina Vukasovic and Cláudia S. Sarrico.pdfImpact of Quality Assurance on Learning Efficiency, Alberto Amaral.pdfPortuguese Higher Education: More Competition with less Market Regulation?, Pedro Teixeira and Alberto Amaral.pdfOn Performance in Higher Education: Towards performance governance, Cláudia S. Sarrico.pdfThe Influence of Performance Management Systems on Key Actors in Universities. The case of an English university. Ana Isabel Melo, Cláudia S. Sarrico and Zoe Radnor.pdfThe performance of Portuguese secondary schools: An exploratory study, Cláudia S. Sarrico, Maria J. Rosa and Inês P. Coelho.pdfRecent Trends in Quality Assurance, Alberto Amaral and Maria João Rosa.pdfDoes the EUA institutional evaluation programme contribute to quality improvement? Tavares, D., Rosa, M.J. and Amaral, A.pdfTransnational accountability initiatives. The case of the EUA‐audits, Alberto Amaral and Maria João Rosa.pdfGender and Shifts in Higher Education Managerial Regimes, Teresa Carvalho e Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor.pdfThe struggle for strategic planning in European Higher Education: the case of Portugal, Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor e James Taylor.pdf
2009Between institutional competition and the search for equality of opportunities: the access of mature students, Alberto Amaral and António Magalhães.pdfAccess policies: between institutional policies and the search for the equality of opportunities. Alberto Amaral and António Magalhães.pdfFunding allocation and staff management. A Portuguese example, Maria João Rosa, Diana Tavares and Alberto Amaral.pdfMeasuring and comparing the performance of Portuguese secondary schools: A confrontation between metric and practice benchmarking, Cláudia S. Sarrico and Maria J. Rosa.pdfThe OECD and its Influence in Higher Education: A critical revision, Alberto Amaral and Guy Neave.pdfOn Bologna, Weasels and Creeping Competence, Alberto Amaral and Guy Neave.pdfQuality Assurance and Assessment in Higher Education: recent trends, Alberto Amaral.pdfPolicy Implementation Tools and European Governance, Amélia Veiga and Alberto Amaral.pdfRecent trends in European Higher Education, Alberto Amaral.pdfSubject mix and productivity in Portuguese universities, Cláudia S. Sarrico, Pedro N. Teixeira, Maria J. Rosa and Margarida F. Cardoso.pdfSupra‐national Accreditation, Trust and Institutional Autonomy: Contrasting Developments of Accreditation in Europe and the U.S. Alberto Amaral, Maria João Rosa and Diana Tavares.pdfA Regional Mismatch? Student Applications and Institutional responses in the Portuguese public higher education system, Pedro Teixeira, Madalena Fonseca, Diana Amado, Carla Sá and Alberto Amaral.pdf